Thursday, June 11, 2009

ADC time stamp and write to EEPROM

before lunch we finished (completely) our timestamp reading and writing program, we ran it, and I made sure to save it to both my flash drives. The program uses the ADC(analog-digital converter), the RTC (real-time-clock), and the Basic STAMP chip to write our (semi)basic flight program. first we used the program we wrote yesterday to write the ADC to get a conversion readout, next we used the clock stamp program from yesterday to get a ADC readout and a specified time. Finally we took a big chunk of the read and write to EEPROM program from two days ago and we put it ll together. change a few variables her, delete some constants there and voila we have a program that can record data(from analog to digital converter) at a specified(by user) time, and we write all that to our EEPROM. We're almost ready to fly!
-the picture on the bottom shows my program running, it displays the time we(user) entered, with the recorded value and it writes the data to the EEPROM(one byte at a time).
-the picture on top is our read EEPROM program(completely separate from the first program), what it is doing is reading every address(from 0-$1FFF) and displaying how it works.
NOTE- if u look at the pic on the bottom(timestamp write to EEPROM program) you'll see FF 13:27:09, these figure are being wrote ion to the EEPROM one at a time.
-now if u look at the picture on top you will see the numbers being displayed in a column, and that's our confirmation that our program functions properly.

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